Karel - roadmap and TODOs
- Code completion according to previous word -
after IF , WHILE, condition, DEFINE name.
END completion - DONE in preANTLR version.
- Add commands from dictionary to code completion - DONE in preANTLR version.
- Karel project support
- runtime and error messages to Output
- Rewrite the ugly code in Karel-core library.
- Rewrite the ugly code in NetBeans karel-file module.
- View - rendering of the Karel refactor as a service
+ non-default implementations.
- displaying and later editing dictionary
and commands visual as a tree
- add include otherdictionary.kar file to .kar (and in tree)
using karel-path for project.
- setting max deep or nesting level for commands running
- END autocompleting and matching
- indentation
- check and test localization of module ,
karel is localized including commands
- localization by using of module
- refactoring of Karel's core library
- Locale to Karel's instance to have two language versions
at runtime for translating. - DONE
- main file according to default language
- refactoring of visual / text synchronization
of town and script including DataObject.
Not saved document is not so accesible.
- using KarelException change to return state or message?
Is this good idea?
But exceptions in other thread and libraries are caught by NB platform
and displayed in dialog window.
Decision: No. Exception is useful and natural.
- tutorial - step by step creating of module
it shows all nb-platform skills needed for NB platform using
- Yours suggestions there...
- i18n support - edit, save, export, import, run in chosen locale
- i18n - script translation
some utility for translation Czech <--> English
is implemented for testing purposes.
- Automatic language recognition
Language information in the script?
- implement visualization as a service and use other implementations:
default karel visualisation, java2D, NB visual library 2D,
3D (Brackeen, Java3D, JOGL).
- refactoring karel library .
- Playing with artifical inteligence - Karel will be embedded.
Creating extension points for features and behavior and brain.
- generalize part of karel library (runtime, visualization)
for general using as framework
eg. life, tetris, half-brick wall (15ka), wurfa (AI agents).
- Use autoupdate for Karel modules.
If you have some idea or experience of difficulties during using of Karel
write me please.
Thank to |
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silhanek (at) users.sourceforge.net |
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