NOTE: this guide is for previous version 2008-10-10. It was replaced
by new one and it does not have left Files panel and syntax coloring and
code completion.
My experience with new programs is to folow tutorial instructions
(sometimes several times :-) ) to learn usage of it. So I try to
describe Karel using. If you have any recomendation write please.
I suppose your karel is installed and running by some way
(see installation advices ).
Create new karel town source named e.g. bright name town.
Menu File / New file / category Other > Empty Town file or
the same way by right clicking on source package.
You have standard empty Karel's town 10 x 10 squares to editing.
You can show or hide helpful grid by Grid button
or clear made work by pressing Clear button
To set or remove wall to selected square click by left mouse button on it.
Try dragging by left mouse button and enjoy raster graphic!
To add sign on square click by right button on it.
To remobe one sign from square click by left button.
Some user will certainly try right mouse dragging :-) .
All changes appears in text editor accordingly visual editor.
Some changes in text editor can corrupt file structure.
Save your clever graphics.
Try change values in text fields
- town size and robot initial position.
To use edited town in runtime
select Script to Main window from context menu of our new file.
Next steps
NetBeans editor provides good feature to code completion.
If you are typing command name which name you forgret
you type beginning and press CTRL+K (repeatedly)
until wished word will appear.
CTRL+K searches matching words and offers them.
Commands defined previously in source (dictionary)
will be offered in code completion in next release.
Be free to play and program Karel's moving. You can teach him
(why to write it if Karel is our friend? ).