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Module / Application installing

  1. Downloadable files
  2. Installing NB application karelnb
  3. Installing swing application KarelApp
  4. Sources

Downloadable files:

Download on SourceForge offers files. Name can be concatted by date or release number.

type downloaded files description
Swing Application KarelApp.zipp Application created using Swing.
NB Application karelnb.zip Application based on NetBeans Platform
SwingAppFwk App (none) Application based on Swing Application Framework JSR 296
karel library karel.jar
Karel's library and documentation
karel_core module javadoc karel-core_javadoc.zip javadoc of base module for Karel support in the NetBeans Platform
karel_file module javadoc karel-file_javadoc.zip javadoc of base module for Karel files support in the NetBeans Platform
sources karelNB02.zip All projects (NetBeans), Mercurial repository is included
localization localization.zip All Bundle*.properties files copied out to localize and copy back. If you update them (use NetBeans) or if you make your language bundles I can copy them into application.
Last is reached from Home (index.html)

Installing NB application karelnb

In karelnb.zip file is an Application (based on NetBeans Platform).
To run karelnb.zip unpack directory karelnb and run bin\karelnb.exe .
For running under wished supported locale add --locale la parameter for your language la.

Installing swing application KarelApp

In KarelApp.zip file is an Application (based on swing).
To run KarelApp.zip unpack directory karelnb and run run.bat or run KarelAPp.jar using your operating system.


Sources are in karelNB02.zip file. It contains all projects. All is described in _README.txt file:

Project karelNB  v02  

Project home      : http://karelnb.sourceforge.net/  
Project page      : http://sourceforge.net/projects/karelnb/ 
Mercurial sources : https://kenai.com/hg/karelnb~mercurial  
Continuous build  : http://deadlock.netbeans.org/hudson/job/karelnb/    

Guide : http://karelnb.sourceforge.net/guide.html 

Directories (* signs project directory) : 
- karel            * project of Karel's base library   

- karel_core       * NB module project - support of Karel library  

- KarelApp         * project of application built on swing

- karelNB          * Suite project of application built on NB Platform 

- karscripts       .kar a .kat sources to play with or for testing

- localization     .\*\src\**\Bundle*.properties files with national texts
                   for localization of applications
                   They are placed in the same directory structure as 
                   this . directory

- web              web content of  project home
If you loaded sources from mercurial repository on https://kenai.com/hg/karelnb~mercurial 
you must 
- run ant target     get-platform
  it dowlnoads platform, editor and harness clusters and unpacks them
  in nbbuild directory
  (to download them together as a zip there are packed in last platform.zip)
- create NetBeans Platform in Platform Manager 
  and set it to unpacked netbeans 
  and name it NbK
Location of this document: 

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